The Week Unpeeled
A busy week and a very somber weekend with all airwaves and nearly all magazine covers devoted to the 10-year anniversary of 9-11. The understandably intense focus in the media all weekend on the events in 2001 made last week’s headlines seem very distant. In other news elsewhere:
President Obama unveiled the seemingly long-awaited jobs/jumpstart package, which included almost $460 billion of tax cuts and spending programs: probably safe to say an underwhelmed reaction;
- US officials announced to the world on Thursday that they had received “credible” but not confirmed terrorists threats for New York and Washington DC, which put both cities in quasi-lockdown;
- Yahoo! fired its CEO Carol Bartz by phone, which seemed somewhat abrupt but the expected turnaround by the board for the company was anything but;
- Carlyle filed docs to go public for sometime in the first half of next year while Groupon canceled its IPO roadshow;
- Google bought Zagat;
- Fashion Week launched the same day that the NFL season began;
- Samantha Stosur won the women’s US Open title;
- The markets fell apart (again) as a rep from Germany to the European central bank quit in reported and apparent frustration; and
- The Dow fell as much as 303 points on Friday to end the week at 10,992.
Good Sunday New York Times Read on US Open and 9-11
An incredibly timely and heartfelt piece by Peter Lattman, who is more known for covering private-equity transactions than sports profiles, appeared in The New York Times Sunday about Rich Lynch, a one-time tennis champ, who hailed from the same street in Queens as John McEnroe and was a friend and tennis partner of the journalist. Called “A Time When Anything Was Possible,” Lattman talks about Rich’s athleticism, sportsmanship and other family memories on the 10th anniversary of his death in the World Trade Center attacks. A human story and New York history stitched together by 9-11 and the US Open. Really worth a read.